Twisted Treeline Champion Select Music Continues

Twisted Treeline Map

" "Deep in Shadow Isles lies a ruined city shattered by magical disaster. Those who venture inside the ruins and wander through the Twisted Treeline seldom return, but those who do, tell tales of horrific creatures and the vengeful dead."
— Twisted Treeline in-game descriptiopn (Pre-client update)


Twisted Treeline was the second classic gameplay map for League of Legends icon.png League of Legends. It typically features faster, bloodier matches with an emphasis on ganking and small-scale skirmishes. You achieve victory by pushing your way into the opposing base and destroying the enemy nexus.

A smaller map than Summoner's Rift, the Twisted Treeline is configured horizontally, with two lanes flanking a neutral area. Turrets are placed along the length of each lane, and the nexus is defended by a single turret. Teams are composed of three champions apiece, and each champion spawns with a substantial sum of gold. The reduced map size and accelerated level curve makes for a shorter game length and higher kill scores.

The Twisted Treeline was retired from the game on November 19th, 2019 for the end of Season Nine.[1]


Oops Emote.png
"You belong in a museum!"
This article or section may contain obsolete information, but exists here for historical purposes.

Twisted Treeline Minimap

The objective of Twisted Treeline is simple: destroy the enemy nexus. In order to do this, champions must traverse down one of two different paths (or lanes) in order to attack their enemy at their weakest points they can exploit. Both teams have their lanes defended by numerous turrets; each turret grows in strength the closer it gets to its respective nexus and each turret must be eliminated in order to gain access to the next turret in that lane. Cooperating with fellow summoners is an absolute requirement for success, as it is easy for a champion to find themselves ambushed by enemies in the lanes of the map.

  • The basic strategy consists of having one player in each lane, and a jungle in between.
  • Work with your teammates to use the close lanes as a chance to kill enemy champions as a team.
  • The next level of strategy is to funnel both jungle and top wave resources into a single attack speed scaling champion.
  • Because of the "middle" lane, champions with the ability to hop the wall or roam effectively are very powerful.
  • The jungle is easier to clear than in Summoner's Rift.
  • The jungle is good to sneak on the opponent and also to outsmart them by running away or baiting them into a bad position.
  • AD carries are viable, but they must be protected by their team like on Summoner's Rift. The roles of champions are more or less the same as in 5v5 matches, but a setup with an AD carry should have enough cc to make him/her safe.
  • The lair of Vilemaw Vilemaw is a high-value objective. Be aware of the location of enemy champions to know when they are attacking Vilemaw Vilemaw . The shop does not have wards, so vigilance is the only means of protecting Vilemaw Vilemaw from the other team.
  • Although wards do not exist in the shop, some champions like Caitlyn Caitlyn , Heimerdinger Heimerdinger , Jhin Jhin , Maokai Maokai , Nidalee Nidalee , Shaco Shaco , Teemo Teemo , and Zyra Zyra have abilities that can be effectively used as wards.


Map features

  • Two bases, one for each team, at both sides of the battlefield. The bases have a fountain/shop, a nexus, and one turret that defends the nexus.
  • You can buy items and regenerate health and mana while in the fountain/shop.
  • Three turrets per lane that defends the access to the bases.
  • Two altars located on both sides of the jungle.
  • A Ghost Relic, which is a health pick-up located in the center of the battlefield. It replenishes health and a small amount of your ability resource. It also grants a brief speed boost.
  • A jungle populated by neutral monsters of varying degrees of toughness.
  • The epic monster Vilemaw Vilemaw , whose camp is located to the top of the top lane.


  • Starts the game with 850 Gold 850 .
  • Gain 0.67% bonus mana regeneration for every 1% missing mana.

Important Timers

  • Minions spawn: 0:45
  • Jungle monsters spawn: 1:05
  • Minions meet: 1:07
  • Ghost Relic spawn: 2:30
  • Altars unlock: 2:30
  • Vilemaw Vilemaw spawns: 10:00
  • Surrender time: 15:00


Twisted Treeline Altar

The altars are neutral objectives that can be captured by either team. There are two altars on opposite sides of the map. A champion captures an altar by standing on top of it for 9 seconds. When more champions stand on a single altar, it is captured in a shorter amount of time.

When captured, an altar seals for 90 seconds during which it grants Sight icon.png vision of the surrounding area and during which cannot be recaptured. Capturing an altar grants 80 Gold 80 to each member of the capturing team. Additionally, controlling an altar grants your team bonus effects.

  • One Altar Controlled: 10% bonus movement speed.
  • Two Altars Controlled: Restore 1% of maximum health on minion and monster kill.


Most items available in the shop, are the same as in Summoner's Rift or Howling Abyss. Some items are exclusive to Twisted Treeline. It is also good to note that there are no wards or ward items available. The only vision item you have is the default trinket: Arcane Sweeper Arcane Sweeper .

Exclusive Items

Map-Specific Changes

Twisted Treeline had some map-specific balancing:


Twisted Treeline Jungle

Twisted Treeline's single, centralized, jungle offers multiple access routes to both lanes, promoting fast ganks and aggressive counter-jungling. Junglers on Twisted Treeline typically engage enemy players early and often, coming to the aid of either lane or leading the attack on the opponent's altar. Expect plenty of action in neutral areas on this Field of Justice.

Neutral Monsters


The jungle has three monster camps on each side. A monster camp respawns 75 seconds after all the monsters in the camp die. Each side has the same camps:

The only monster in the upper jungle is Vilemaw Vilemaw . It spawns ten minutes into the game and respawns six minutes after dying. When a team defeats Vilemaw Vilemaw it receives the Crest of Crushing Wrath Crest of Crushing Wrath buff on all living team members, which provides several bonuses for a few minutes.


Minion spawning location

On Twisted Treeline minions did not grant the same amount of gold on kill and some had different stats:

Experience requirement

The following describes the amount of experience required to go from level 1 to level 18 on Twisted Treeline.

To reach level XP Cumulative XP
1 0 0
2 300 300
3 400 700
4 600 1300
5 575 1875
6 650 2525
7 725 3250
8 800 4050
9 875 4925
10 950 5875
11 1025 6900
12 1115 8015
13 1205 9220
14 1305 10525
15 1530 12055
16 1880 12243
17 2355 14598
18 2955 17553


Twisted Treeline had 7 turrets per team: 2 outer turrets, 2 inner turrets, 2 inhibitor turrets, and 1 nexus turret.

  • Nexus turrets regenerate 1 health per second.


Summoner Experience

Tested values for Summoner Level 30+.[2]

Map Mode Won XP/s Base XP
Twisted Treeline icon.png Twisted Treeline AI Beginner Win 0.0825 4.95
Loss 0.0675 4.05
AI Intermediate Win 0.0885 5.31
Loss ? ?
PvP Win 0.11 6.6
Loss ? ?


Ranked victories in Twisted Treeline icon.png Twisted Treeline earned 10 SP.


  • Twisted Treeline houses the life essence of two spirits that were once mortals before the Ruination.
  • The Twisted Treeline's remake is heavily influenced by Elise's Elise's concept and development.

Twisted Treeline Shopkeeper

  • After capturing one of the two altars on Twisted Treeline, champions originating from the Shadow Isles, which include Hecarim Hecarim , Mordekaiser Mordekaiser , Elise Elise , Karthus Karthus , and Yorick Yorick , the summoned 'spirit' will say unique messages to those particular champions. The messages are different for west and east altars, representing good and evil respectively. This, however, excludes Evelynn Evelynn , because Riot didn't want to give too much information about her lore, and Thresh Thresh , because lines for him have not been recorded yet. In addition, all Shadow Isles champions can also hear additional lines available to all of them, including Evelynn and Thresh. All the messages can be seen here or on the altar page.
  • Ebonmaw's Ebonmaw's skeletal remains can be seen scattered around Vilemaw's Vilemaw's lair.
    • If two champions dance in front of Vilemaw Vilemaw within 5 seconds, he will join in by doing the Carlton.[3]
  • The old map had a unique interaction with Cassiopeia Cassiopeia : while present in the game, the snakes that were part of the maps idle animations were hidden/disabled.

Twisted Treeline map has been used for certain special, limited-time, featured game modes that circulate in and out.

  • During the Fall of 2014, for the Harrowing event, Riot introduced the game mode called Hexakill mode on this map.[4]
    • The mechanics were similar to Classic mode, with the only difference being that On each team instead of 3 players, there were 6 players
    • Icons were to be given by playing this mode.
  • During the end of May and the beginning of June 2015, Hexakill mode was featured again on this map.
    • This time players could ban 6 champions in a match through the Blind draft pick.
  • Twisted Treeline only has one kind of shopkeeper on both sides of the maps. Its appearance resembles that of a headless horseman adorning a pumpkin for a head.

The Twisted Treelines was released shortly before the game officially launched.

October 27, 2009: Released publicly in custom games[5]

March 30, 2010: Released for normal games[6]

The Twisted Treeline map was reworked, and the new version released with patch V1.0.0.150 on October 17, 2012.[7] It was previously located near Zaun but was retroactively relocated to the Shadow Isles.

Interview about the map

Marc 'Tryndamere' Merrill in an interview with first mention the map:[8]

So in regards to the new map, which is one of the hottest items that we're really excited about, we're about to roll one out. It's going to be going into the beta shortly. I don't know if it's in this release or if it's in the release at the end of the month. It's coming out really soon, it's a two-lane map, it's awesome, there's a lot of action, it's really well designed to force action to the middle of the map, and it's designed for a 3 on 3 play experience. So it's a very different experience, it will be a lot of fun for users to go bang away on that.

The map was first shown to the public on October 19, 2009, on the games' Facebook page.[9]

A Thanks to All Twisted Treeline Players

BY SHIO SHOUJO<ref name="retire">

As announced earlier this year, Twisted Treeline will officially be retired at the end of this season. We're sad to see such a longtime game mode leave our official rotation, but doing so will let us keep our focus on our larger game modes. For more information on this, please check out the /dev post we did about modes!

Players who achieved ranks through Twisted Treeline games will still get those end of season rewards when the season officially ends on November 19 12:00AM PT. But as stated previously, there will not be a Twisted Treeline specific chroma this year.

That being said, we want to specially commemorate those of you who've been long-term fans of Vilemaw and celebrate all the games you've played in League's venerable 3v3 mode!

In Patch 9.23, players who played more than 10 games of Twisted Treeline over the map's lifespan will get an exclusive icon. Those who played over 50 games will get that icon and an exclusive emote. And finally, those who played over 100 games will get the first two rewards and a third, limited time icon. Here's a sneak peek of the emote, featuring everyone's favorite spider:

That's Twisted Emote.png

Patch History

Note: Global turret changes are found at Turret#Patch History
V9.23 - November 19, 2019
  • Removed.
  • Jungle changes:
    • Camp Spawn Time: 1:35 from 1:40
    • Camp Starting Level: level 2 from level 1
    • Experience: Junglers now reach level 2 after clearing 1 camp and level 3 after a full clear.
      • Big Golem Big Golem
        • Health on spawn: 1240 from 1440
        • Damage on spawn: 70 from 73
      • Golem Golem
        • Health on spawn: 480 from 540
        • Damage on spawn: 33 from 35
      • Wraith Wraith
        • Health on spawn: 1050 from 1200
        • Damage on spawn: 52 from 55
      • Lesser Wraith Lesser Wraith
        • Health on spawn: 230 from 250
        • Damage on spawn: 18 from 20
      • Giant Wolf Giant Wolf
        • Health on spawn: 1120 from 1320
        • Damage on spawn: 40 from 42
      • Lesser Wolf Lesser Wolf
        • Health on spawn: 390 from 420
        • Damage on spawn: 15 from 16
      • Vilemaw Vilemaw
        • Respawn time: 6 minutes from 5 minutes
        • Vilemaw has now a custom health bar and a jungler timer.
        • Health: 5500 from 3500
        • Attack damage: 100 from 113
        • AoE slam attack: Range slightly increased, area of effect slightly decreased.
        • Melee attacks: Delay on attack shortened.
        • New Passive: Spiderwebs: Vilemaw's attacks now reduce attack speed in addition to reducing armor and magic resistance.
      • Crest of Crushing Wrath Crest of Crushing Wrath
        • Duration increased to 3 minutes from 2 minutes.
        • Upon killing Vilemaw, champions become ghosted, ignoring all unit collision for the duration of the buff. Additionally, nearby minions gain aura bonuses, and briefly terrorize nearby enemy minions on first contact.
          • Melee Minions Melee Minions
            • +20 armor & magic resistance, +20% attack speed, +15 attack damage, +75 attack range.
          • Caster Minions Caster Minions
            • +10 armor & magic resistance, +10% attack speed, +20 attack damage, +100 attack range.
          • Siege Minions Siege Minions
            • +30 armor & magic resistance, +10% attack speed, +50 attack damage, +750 attack range.
          • Super Minions Super Minions
            • +10 armor & magic resistance, +10% attack speed, +10 attack damage.
        • No longer grants bonus health regen, mana regen, cooldown reduction or attack speed.
  • Altar changes:
    • First Altar buff: +10% bonus movement speed instead of +3 gold on unit kill.
      • (Default gold value of all minions/monsters increased by 3 to compensate)
    • Second Altar buff: 1% maximum health on minion or monster kill instead of +10% bonus attack damage and ability power.
  • Turret rebalancing:
    • All turrets gain 200 armor and magic resistance if no enemy minions are nearby from 75 armor and magic resistance.
    • Outter Turrets
      • Added
      • Both teams now have a third turret in top and bottom lane
      • Health: 1850
      • Armor and MR: 50
      • Damage: 152
      • Global gold: 100 Gold 100
    • Inner Turrets
    • Inhibitor Turrets
    • Nexus Obelisk
  • Vision-granting items:
    • The following items have been removed from Twisted Treeline:
    • A new trinket has been added to the Twisted Treeline:
      • Hextech Sweeper Hextech Sweeper (Trinket)
        • Active - Hunter's Sight: A stealth-detecting mist grants vision in the target area for 5 seconds, revealing traps and enemy champions that enter for 3 seconds (60 seconds cooldown)
Twisted Treeline - Remade
  • New layout and reworked jungle that will push the pace of champion encounters.
  • New altar control objective and boss, Vilemaw Vilemaw .
  • New environmental art, monster skins, music, and sound.
  • Passive gold gain reduced to 8.5 per 5 seconds from 9 per 5.
  • Minions
    • Melee minions
      • Gain 2 additional armor every 3 minutes.
      • Gain 0.5 addition magic Resistance every 3 minutes.
      • Gold on death increased to 26 from 24.
    • Caster minions
      • Gain 0.5 additional armor every 3 minutes.
      • Gain 2 additional magic resistance every 3 minutes.
      • Gold on death increased to 19 from 17.
    • Siege minions
      • Gain 2 additional armor every 3 minutes.
      • Gain 2 additional magic resistance every 3 minutes.
      • Gold on death increased to 27 from 25 on Summoner's Rift and to 32 from 30 on Twisted Treeline.
    • Super minion gold on death increased to 32 from 30.


  1. Twisted Treeline Retirement
  2. Sample Data Sheet WIP
  3. Hecarim dancing with Vilemaw
  4. One for All mode announcement
  5. Twisted Treeline Custom Games
  6. The battle for Twisted Treeline has begun!
  7. The New Twisted Treeline Beta is Live
  8. Interview
  9. First Show


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